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We are proud to host seven ancillary events at ARTS! They will all be held at the Hilton San Diego Bayfront on Monday, July 29, 2024. All these events are open to ARTS participants; see below for details.

  1. AAMVA and AVIA (Indigo H)
  2. FHWA (Indigo D)
  3. IEEE (Indigo E)
  4. ITSA (Indigo A)
  5. SAE ORAD (Indigo 202 AB)

5:00 PM-7:00 PM, Indigo West Terrace
Networking Reception

Networking and refreshments courtesy of ITS America, HNTB, Michelin and ITS California.

AAMVA and AVIA, Indigo H
9:00 AM-12:00 PM

9:00-10:20 AM
Presented by the Autonomous Vehicle Industry Association (AVIA), this session will focus on lessons learned from successful AV deployments across the country. The morning will start with a fireside chat with Congressional staff on federal legislative priorities for AVs. That discussion will be followed by a special presentation by the American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators (AAMVA) of their newly published 4th edition of the Guidelines for Regulating Vehicles with Automated Driving Systems. This will include a discussion of the recommendations for manufacturers and other entities involved with testing, piloting, and deploying AVs.

The second half of the morning will include two panel discussions featuring transportation policy and AV industry leaders, the first of which will feature state and local government leaders sharing first-hand experience with successful AV deployments in their communities. The session will close with an in depth and interactive discussion with AV industry experts, who will guide attendees through differing state regulatory approaches to AVs and consider how to build upon successes to further scale AV deployments across the country. 

  • 8:30-9:00 AM – Networking & Coffee
  • 9:00-9:10 AM – Introductions, and Organizer Remarks
    • David Bonelli, Partner, Autonomous and Connected Mobility Group, Venable, LLP
  • 9:10-9:35 AM – Fireside Chat with Congressional Staff on AV Legislative Priorities
  • 9:35-10:20 AM – AAMVA Presents - Guidelines for Regulating Vehicles with Automated Driving Systems
    • Paul Steier, Director of Vehicle Programs, AAMVA
    • Nanette Schieke, Chair, Automated Vehicle Subcommittee, AAMVA

10:30 AM-12:00 PM
The Glass is Half Full: AVIA Policy and Research Forum on Successes and Future of AV Deployments 

10:30-11:10 AM – What is Going Right in AV Deployments? – State and Local Perspectives

How are state and local leaders and AV developers building stronger relationships to support AV deployments? How can the lessons learned from existing deployments help states and cities prepare for AV deployments on their own streets and highways? This panel will focus discussion on the current state of AV deployments across the country and give audience members a chance to hear from state and local leaders on how they approach the growing number of AVs on their roads.

  • Moderator: Dan Goff, Kodiak
    • Guests:
      • Marisa Walker, Executive Director, Institute of Automated Mobility, Arizona Commerce Authority
      • Captain Bart Teeter, Texas Department of Public Safety
      • Lauren Freriks, Strategic Management Analyst, Strategic Initiatives and Innovation Division, Texas Department of Transportation
      • Andrew Bennett, Director of Traffic Safety, Clark County, NV
      • Rachel Castignoli, Senior Business Process Consultant, Smart Mobility, City of Austin, TX

11:10-11:55 AM – What’s Next for AV Policy?

As deployments grow, what is next for AV policy? What current or upcoming developments in AV policy are to be excited about? How can the AV industry and regulators build upon successful AV deployments to further scale the technology?

  • Moderator: Tim Goodman, Associate General Counsel, Worldwide Road Safety & Compliance, Amazon
    • Panelists:
      • Sarah Gates, Director, Public Policy, Wayve
      • Melissa Wade, Senior Director, Government Relations, Aurora
      • Ron Thaniel, Senior Director, Policy and Regulatory Affairs & Federal Government Affairs Lead, Zoox
      • Renee Gibson, Director of Government Affairs, AVIA

11:55 AM-12:00 PM – Closing Remarks

  •  Ariel Wolf, Chair, Autonomous and Connected Mobility Group, Venable, LLP


FHWA, Indigo D
9:00 AM-12:00 PM

FHWA ADS Traffic Regulations Data Voluntary Specifications Playbook

  • Project objective: Extend the development of the ADS-Traffic Regulations database framework and develop a playbook that supports development of voluntary specifications by the appropriate stakeholders.
  • Meeting objectives:
    1. Describe FHWA’s efforts to 
      • Demonstrate a traffic regulations framework.
      • Create a playbook for voluntary specification of traffic regulations for ADS.
    2. Review the playbook for potential application by stakeholders.
  • Program/agenda
    • Introduction and Objectives
    • Demonstration Video
    • Discussion
    • Playbook Overview/ Strategy
    • Discussion
    • Summary/ Wrap-up
    • Adjourn
  • Speakers 
    • Kingsley Azubike 
    • Jiaqi Ma
    • Kyle Garrett

Organized by:



IEEE, Indigo E
9:00 AM-12:00 PM

IEEE ITS Society Industry Roundtable

What standards gaps need to deploy interoperable connected and automated vehicles can the IEEE ITS Society fill?

IEEE ITS Society’s Standards Committee will convene an Industry Roundtable with dialog between a host of experts and meeting attendees. The outcome of the roundtable sessions will be recommendations on standards needs to foster deployment of connected and automated vehicles (CAVs). We invite technically-, standards- and deployment-focused researchers and practitioners to this informative and productive dialog, ushering in both the 29 – 31 July ARTS meeting and for the longer term, standards-based deployment of CAVs.

Learn more at https://ieee-itss.org/standards-activities/#toc_IEEE_ITS_Society_Industry_Roundtable

ITSA, Indigo A
9:00 AM-12:00 PM

9:00-10:30 AM

AI Principles: Harnessing the Power of AI in Transportation

Join us to explore ITS America’s AI Policy Principles, outlining how the transportation community should approach implementation of artificial intelligence, and AI Decoded, designed as an accessible introduction to all things you need to understand about AI. In this session, we will discuss three key concepts: (1) establishing trust and transparency with AI technology, (2) encouraging a human-centric approach to AI deployment, and (3) identifying tangible outcomes from AI applications. Learn how these Principles are designed to guide the public, private, and academic sectors to successfully realize AI’s potential to deliver transformative safety, equity, and resiliency and sustainability benefits.  


  • 9:00– 9:05 AM - Welcome – Tim Drake, Senior Vice President, Public Policy and Regulatory Affairs, ITS America
  • 9:05–9:15 AM – Overview of ITS America’s AI Principles – Arya Rohani, National Practice Leader Intelligent Mobility Solutions, HNTB (Invited)
  • 9:15–10:00 AM – Panel: ITS America’s AI Principles
    • Vidhu Shekhar, Government Strategy Leader, Microsoft (Invited)
    • Karen Lightman, Executive Director, Carnegie Mellon University (Invited)
    • InderPreet Singh, Deputy Division Chief – Transformational Mobility, Caltrans (Invited)
    • Asad Lesani, VP, Smart Infrastructure Product, Ouster (Invited)
  • 10:00–10:20 AM – AI Decoded Overview
    • Jatish Patel, CEO & Founder, Flow Labs 
    • Balaji Yelchuru, Associate Director Industry X – Solution Architect, Accenture (Invited)
  • 10:20–10:30 AM – Action Steps and Closing

10:45 AM-12:00 PM
Navigating Successful Public Private Deployment of Automated Vehicles

Join us for an insightful session where we delve into the intricacies of navigating successful public private deployment of automated vehicles. In this session, we will discuss ITS America’s Public Private AV Deployment Framework, exploring the journey from conceptualization to implementation, covering essential steps, processes, stakeholders, and post-deployment considerations. Whether you’re a city planner, transportation engineer, policymaker, or technology enthusiast, this session offers valuable insight into how to deploy and scale successfully.


  • 10:45–11:00 AM – Welcome & Overview of AV Framework – Jeff Kupko, Vice President, National Advanced Mobility and Vehicle Electrification Director, Michael Baker International
  • 11:00–11:55 AM – Roundtable Discussion - Exploring Successful Public-Private Partnerships in Automated Vehicle Deployment - In this roundtable discussion, experts from both the public and private sectors come together to dissect the critical components of successful public-private partnership in the realm of automated vehicle deployment. This dynamic panel discussion brings together diverse stakeholders involved in automated vehicle deployment to share their perspectives, experiences, and lessons learned. From engaging communities to navigating regulatory landscapes, panelists will shed light on roles, outreach strategies, and valuable insights gained from real world deployments.
    • Moderator – Carole Delion, Founder & CEO, Delion Consulting LLC (Invited)
      • Zeke Reyna, Emerging Technology Portfolio Project Manager, Texas Department of Transportation (Invited)
      • Stan Slavin, Management Engineer, Caltrans (Invited)
      • Preeti Choudary, Executive Director, DriveOhio (Invited)
      • Alex Poirot, Vice President, Policy & Regulatory, Beep (Invited)
      • Valarie Leffler, Executive Director, Feonix Mobility Rising (Invited)
      • Alison Pascale, Director, Government Affairs and Community Relations, ADMT, Volkswagen (Invited)
  • 11:55 AM–12:00 PM – Closing & Call to Action
    • Corey Clothier, AV Strategy, Development and Deployment, ARIBO (Invited)

Session organizers:

  • Tina Williams, Director Policy & Stakeholder Engagement twilliams@itsa.org
  • Tim Drake, Senior Vice President, Public Policy and Government Affairs  tdrake@itsa.org
  • Rachel Rettberg, Senior Vice President, Member Engagement and Operations rrettberg@itsa.org 

SAE ORAD, Indigo 202 AB
9:00 AM-12:00 PM
SAE On-Road Automated Driving (ORAD) Committee Meeting

The On-Road Automated Driving (ORAD) committee reports to the Driver Assistance Systems Steering Committee of the Motor Vehicle Council. The ORAD committee is responsible for developing and maintaining SAE standards, recommended practices, and information reports related to motor vehicle driving automation system features across the full range of levels of driving automation. "On-road" refers to publicly accessible roadways that provide driving environments for the users of motor vehicles of all classes and all levels of driving automation. However, the ORAD committee will focus primarily on Automated Driving Systems (ADSs) as defined by SAE J3016, namely, levels 3-5 which are capable of performing the complete DDT on a sustained basis while engaged. This includes cooperative automation at these levels. While automated subsystems from other committees will be integrated with automated driving technology, the ORAD committee does not focus on specific subsystems like short-range communication, active safety such as electronic stability control and automated emergency braking or other driver assistance such as lane keeping assistance and cooperative adaptive cruise control. The ORAD committee will coordinate with and contribute to committees and task forces in these distinct areas of expertise.
