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Call for Abstracts
The call for abstracts submission period has closed


The Transportation Research Board of the U.S. National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine invites you to consider presenting your research and insights of practices on women and gender in transportation at the 7th International Women and Gender in Transportation (WGiT) conference to be held in Irvine, California, at the Arnold and Mabel Beckman Center, September 9 - 11, 2024. Since 1978, the Conference has aimed to highlight how gender considerations can be incorporated into the traditionally male dominated transport sector, a sector that is a contributor to economic growth; broadens access to health, education services, and employment; improves the exchange of information; and promotes social cohesion. In many global contexts, crucial gender differences exist, however, in people’s mobility needs, access to transport, experiences while mobile (e.g., safety and security), and workplace advancement. Gender biases also exist in infrastructure provision and service delivery. These limit the access of women and other gender minorities (transgender, non-binary, third-gender, etc.) to economic opportunities, employment, and education. Uneven transport experiences also intersect across other social factors including - but not limited to - race, age, class, immigration status, and (dis)ability.

The conference theme -- Progress and Possibilities: Bridging Perspectives -- highlights how far recognition of gendered issues in transport have come, while also noting the important work ahead to bridge inequities - work that will require spanning disciplines, departments, scales, and organizations.

The conference aims to: 

  • Increase awareness and understanding of all aspects of women and gender in transportation systems, workforce, and education around the world.
  • Assess progress and performance of gender inclusion in transportation practices, policies, and research.
  • Identify and learn about solutions to advance gender equity and inclusion in transportation, including how past research has and will influence practice.
  • Exchange ideas and create connections between peers and mentors from all sectors in an interactive and inclusive setting.
  • Help advance policy, research, and practice and foster personal and career development.


Call for Abstracts - Presentations, Panel Sessions, and Non-traditional Submissions

We are seeking individual presentations as well as pre-organized panels of three or four presentations on a particular theme, workshops, and roundtables. Abstracts may present original research, practical experiences, case studies, and/or solutions to policy concerns. We will accept presentations of work that has been published recently or is currently under consideration for publication. We are looking for presentations related to any mode or modes and infrastructure: aviation, roadways, active transportation, airports, transit, freight, rail, water, and space. We welcome submissions from people of all genders and from countries of all levels of income.

Presentations should focus on the intersection of women and gender and transport. Possible topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Safety (traffic crashes, injuries, etc.)
  • Security (harassment, violence, etc.)
  • Transportation workforce
  • Transport in low and middle income countries
  • Household-serving travel (chauffeuring others, traveling to grocery stores, health appointments, etc.)
  • Climate change mitigation, adaptation & resilience
  • Sustainable mobility
  • Travel behavior
  • Innovation and new technologies
  • Organization and administration
  • Data and modeling
  • Global supply chain issues
  • Public health and well-being
  • Use of informal transport modes

We also encourage non-traditional submissions such as photos, artwork, film, and other creative mechanisms (for inspiration, please see p. 49 of the proceedings from the 6th conference https://onlinepubs.trb.org/onlinepubs/circulars/ec268.pdf).

Key Dates

Abstract Submission Deadline

March 1, 2024

Notification of Accepted Presenters and Sessions

March 28, 2024

Conference Registration (early bird deadline)

June 11, 2024

Speaker Registration deadline

August 9, 2024

Evaluation Criteria

Abstract submissions will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

  • Quality: Abstract is easy to comprehend and concise. The proposed presentation or session will contribute directly to the conference objectives.
  • Content: Gender is central to the content of the presentation.
  • Novelty: It takes the field and/or practice in a new direction and/or looks at existing problems from different perspectives.
  • Relevance: This particular subject/issue is important today or is just on the horizon. It will further practice, dialogue, or thinking. It is timely and relevant to the conference topics and attendees.

The committee hopes to organize a Women and Gender in Transport Special Collection for publication in Transportation Research Record: The Journal of the Transportation Research Board following the conference. Stay tuned for more details.

Submittal Requirements: Papers, Presentations, Panel Sessions, Non-traditional

Each submittal will contain the following information:

  • Title
  • Author(s) name and affiliation
  • Contact information
  • Four or more keywords describing topic
  • 100-word biography of the primary author

Specific submittals will contain the following information

  • Presentation and Poster submissions should include a 500-word abstract that is responsive to the evaluation criteria.
  • Panel Sessions should include a 500-word description of the session itself, along with regular abstract submissions for all presentations that it will include (4 maximum).
  • Workshops and Roundtable Sessions should include 500-word description of the session, the length of time desired, and a list of speakers/moderators
  • Non-traditional presentation/demonstration, such as photos, artwork, and other creative mechanisms will be considered with a 500-word description

The Conference organizers will honor, to the extent possible, the format desired by the accepted proposal. However, there may be a need to change the format based on space restrictions or a proposal’s content that is better aligned with a different structure.

Please do not submit product marketing.

Information about possible travel grants for presenters to attend the conference will be shared when available.