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The Transportation Research Board and the Massachusetts Bay Harbor Safety Committee are excited to announce the 18th Biennial National Harbor Safety Committee Conference being held from June 13-15, 2022 at the Boston Park Plaza in Boston, Massachusetts. The national conference is held on a biennial basis and continues to be one of the premier gatherings of waterways stakeholders from the private sector, government agencies, and academia. This vital marine national transportation event is organized by the Transportation Research Board of the National Academies in partnership with the U.S. Coast Guard. The Massachusetts Bay Harbor Safety Committee is the lead host for the conference in 2022.
The conference will include panel sessions, keynote addresses from high-level officials, and networking opportunities for waterways stakeholders and service providers from across our nation. The panel sessions are designed to be highly interactive, allowing an ongoing conversation between the presenters and the attendees. Topics to be covered within the conference include: federal waterways policy and regulatory issues, competing usage of harbors and waterways, automation and autonomous technologies, cyber and security issues, coastal resilience and port infrastructure, maritime training and workforce development, harbor safety committee best practices, lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic, and more.
Harbor Safety Committees (HSCs) are local committees of waterways stakeholders addressing issues that include the safety, security, mobility, and environmental protection of our ports and waterways. Membership is typically comprised of representatives from the local maritime industry and governmental agencies, as well as recreational boaters and the commercial fishing industry.
This three-day event enables HSCs from all parts of the nation to come together on a national basis to share best practices, discuss policy and regulatory issues, highlight solutions, dialogue with government agencies, and form relationships that enable a robust transfer of ideas in between gatherings. The conference typically draws between 200-300 maritime professionals from throughout North America.