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Call for Abstracts  |  Schedule

Convened by
Transportation Research Board

Sponsored by
Transit Safety and Security (AP080)

The TRB Conference on Transit Safety and Security will be held July 15-17, 2025, in Washington, D.C. Public transportation is one of the safest modes of transportation, although there are areas of risk. Fortunately, the public transportation and passenger rail industries have implemented programs, modified procedures, and implemented demonstrated technologies that have proven successful in mitigating these areas of risk and providing safety and security improvements. 

This conference is designed to transfer the knowledge gained locally by agency personnel and practitioners as well as national and international researchers. Public transportation and passenger rail agencies will present successful outcomes and lessons learned from safety and security policy, procedure modifications, and technology pilots and deployments. Recognizing the significant contributions made byindustry research partners, this event will include presentations on actionable one-world safety and security research findings. 

The program will be built around four areas of focus:

  • Transit employee safety
  • Passenger and public safety
  • Emergency management
  • Transit security challenges

The conference will include plenary and breakout sessions.

Questions? Please contact: Claire Randall