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Hello, transportation attorneys, professionals and TRB members! 

One of the highlights of TRB’s regular conference activities is the Annual Workshop on Transportation Law sponsored by the Legal Resources Section. It is, without question, the country’s most important gathering for learning about the most significant developments in transportation law and policy. The Workshop covers current issues involving contracting, environmental compliance, tort liability and risk management, eminent domain, land use, transit operations and management, human resources issues impacting transportation agencies, legal ethics and more. As always, attorneys in attendance qualify for and obtain continuing legal education credits from virtually every state bar association. 

This year, for the 62nd edition of the Law Workshop, we are gathering at the Omni Richmond Hotel in Richmond, VA from July 23-26. We are planning a comprehensive agenda that will:

  • Include updates and insight from senior attorneys representing the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), the Federal Transit Administration (FTA), the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) and others regarding significant developments and issues in transportation law, regulation and policy;
  • Present in-depth sessions by leading subject matter practitioners on significant legal issues in transportation;
  • Afford attendees the opportunity to obtain up to a dozen continuing legal education (CLE) credits depending on the rules for their licensing jurisdiction;
  • Provide opportunities to meet federal, state and local government transportation agency attorneys and private transportation practioners from around the country;
  • Afford all participants an opportunity to attend mid-year meetings of the seven standing Legal Resources Section committees and learn about membership opportunities.

Sponsored by
Legal Resources Section

Convened by
Transportation Research Board

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