A Roadmap: Matching Climate Assessments to Decision Making
Date and Time: Monday, November 13, 2023: 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Location: Board Room
Rawlings Miller
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Dr. Miller is a Vice President at TRC, leading the Climate Risk and Resilience team which includes the Economic and Environmental Justice branch. Since 1995, Rawlings has been engaged in climate science and resiliency efforts. She has a strong track record working with multidisciplinary teams to frame and deliver complex climate assessments to provide robust results for decision makers, to clearly communicate technical topics to nontechnical audiences, and to innovate across transportation resilience topics. Though her area of expertise is fundamentally in climate change, her work routinely crosses into the assessment and strategies for physical risks and man-made threats. She has decades of project management experience and is a national thought leader and implementor on climate risk and resilience across planning system-scale analysis and project engineering efforts. She has significant experience with the built environment, sector-based studies and adaptation planning for transportation, energy, telecommunication, emergency management, and water from municipality to country-scale. More recently, many of these assessments include considering economic consequences and disproportionate impacts on vulnerable populations. Dr. Miller has supported federal and state agencies, nonprofit organizations, regional planning organizations, investment firms, business organizations, and communities. Dr. Miller is a co-author of the congressionally mandated Fourth National Climate Assessment (NCA4) report, USDOT FHWA Vulnerability Assessment and Adaptation Framework, U.S. Forest Service Transportation Resiliency Guidebook and is routinely invited to participate on conference panels to discuss extreme weather- and climate- infrastructure resilience. She has also served as a subject matter expert (SME) in climate resilience for the federal government. She currently serves as a committee member on TRB Standing Committee on Extreme Weather and Climate and TRB Standing Committee on Critical Transportation Infrastructure Protection.
A Roadmap: Matching Climate Assessments to Decision Making
Resilience Processes and Programs