333-Supporting Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) with Automated Vehicles (AVs)
Date and Time: Wednesday, July 12, 2023: 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Location: Imperial B
Texas A&M Transportation Institute
Minnesota Department of Transportation
The Pulm Catalyst
Metropolitan Transit Authority of Harris County
North Carolina Department of Transportation
Interuniversity Consortium for Optimization and Operations Research, DISMI University of Modena and Reggio Emilia
Session Moderators and Organizers
Katie Turnbull, Senior Research Fellow, Texas A&M Transportation Institute
Katie Turnbull, Senior Research Fellow, Texas A&M Transportation Institute
Katie Stevens, Head of State and Local Policy-West, nuro
TRB Sponsoring Committees and Partners
Session Description and Agenda
Participants will learn about how automated vehicles (AVs) are supporting diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in projects throughout the country. These projects focus on automated shuttles and buses, automated grocery and package delivery vehicles, and unmanned air vehicles (UAVs) or drones serving disabled individuals underrepresented groups, and disadvantaged communities. The session will share recent experiences, including insights from user surveys, technology applications, and stakeholder outreach activities. Participants will be engaged in discussing best practices, issues and opportunities in expanding applications of AVs to support DEI and to provide access to jobs, education, and healthy foods for all individuals. The information generated from the session will assist in developing further mobility options to help inform decision making, identify research needs, and support future deployments.
10:30 AM – 10:35 AM Welcome and Introductions
• Katie Turnbull, Texas A&M Transportation Institute
10:35 AM – 11:50 AM Overview of AV Projects Supporting Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
• Nuro Grocery Delivery for Houston MetroLift Clients, Katie Stevens, nuro
• Minnesota’s City of White Bear Lake Bear Tracks Shuttle, Thomas Johnson- Kaiser, Minnesota Department of Transportation
• Minnesota’s Autonomous Rural Transit Initiative (goMARTI) Shuttle, Justin Johnson, The Pulm Catalyst
• Houston METRO’s Shuttle of the Future (University District Project), Kimberly Williams, Metropolitan Transit Authority of Harris County
• CASSI in Cary, North Carolina’s Bond Park: Exploring Accessibility with an Autonomous Shuttle, Sarah Searcy, North Carolina Department of Transportation
• Use Case DEI for Early Adopters, Allanté Whitmore, Securing America’s Future Energy
• SINFONICA – Social INnovation to FOster iNclustion, Cooperative, Connected and Automated Mobility in Europe, Giolia Renzi, ICOOR, DISMI University of Modena and Reggio Emilia
11:50 AM – Noon Interactive Discussion of Opportunities
Participants will discuss key issues and opportunities in advancing AVs to support equity, inclusion, and diversity.
Session Objectives
• Learn the latest on AVs supporting DEI including project summaries and the results of surveys by diverse user groups.
• Discuss opportunities and issues with deploying AVs in a variety of applications and settings to address the needs of disabled individuals, low-income groups, and underrepresented populations.
• Identify research needs, possible problem statements, and potential demonstrations and deployments for AV applications supporting DEI.
• Discuss methods and opportunities for ongoing communication and collaboration.
333-Supporting Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) with Automated Vehicles (AVs)