Date and Time: Wednesday, July 12, 2023: 1:30 PM - 5:00 PM
Sou Kitajima
Senior Researcher, Japan Automobile Research Institute
Presentation Description
The SAKURA (Safety Assurance KUdos for Reliable Autonomous vehicles) project contributes all-Japan initiatives by industry, academia and government sectors for swift deployment of Automated Driving services and activities for cooperative issues on ADS safety. This project is developing and updating scenario based safety evaluation framework and scenario database to provide reasonably foreseeable and preventable test scenarios in accordance with respective operational design domain.
In this presentation, vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-pedestrian scenario structures for urban domain are mainly introduced as SAKURA updates. These scenario structures are expected to be applied to identify critical scenarios and to provide iterative test cases for Automated Driving Systems that are realizing SAE level 4 mobility service under complicated environment.
Speaker Biography
Sou Kitajima received his Ph.D degree in engineering from the University of Tsukuba (Japan) in 2012. He is currently a senior researcher at the Japan Automobile Research Institute. His research interests include human error analysis based on drive video recorder data, proposal of automated driving safety assessment methodology and multi-agent traffic simulation development for impact assessment by diffusing both Advanced Driver Assistance System and Automated Driving System. He has been assigned as the project manager of the project and technical expert to research safety criteria for Automated Driving Systems since 2019.