National Roadway Digital Infrastructure for Military Mobility and Emergency Response (Invited)
Date and Time: Wednesday, July 12, 2023: 1:30 PM - 5:00 PM

John Contestabile
Director, Public Safety Solutions, Skyline Technologies
Presentation Description
Provide comments on the panel regarding a "National Digital Infrastructure" from a Public Safety and Military mobility perspective. Key highlights include:
Goal: Real Time Situational Awareness – just prior, during and after an incident
Questions for RTSA:
When did it happen? - Time
Where is it? – GIS/GPS
What do we know about it? – Sensors, historical data
Can we see it? – Video
Can we talk about it? – Voice
Must be able to merge disparate pieces of data (interoperability)
PS/MT will not be much of a contributor of data but a consumer
Basic information may be considered a “public good”
Requires collaboration between TMC’s, OEM’s, Communications providers, Vendors (consider the end to end ecosystem)
Speaker Biography
Mr. Contestabile enjoyed a 30-year career in Maryland state government holding a variety of positions including Deputy Homeland Security Advisor, Statewide Public Safety Interoperable Communications Director, and retired as Acting Assistant Secretary of the Maryland Department of Transportation. In his career at MDOT, he was responsible for the engineering/procurement/emergency management and homeland security functions. After leaving Maryland State government, he joined the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Lab as Program Manager of their Emergency Communications Program. In that capacity, he executed projects with various federal sponsors to include the Department of Homeland Security Science and Technology Directorate, the Cyber Infrastructure Security Administration, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, and FirstNet. After 10 years at JHU/APL, he left to join Skyline Technology Solutions, where he is presently Director of Public Safety Solutions. An engineer by training, he has executed projects related to Geographic Information Systems, Land Mobile Radio, Computer Aided Dispatch, Television Datacasting, Video interoperability and 5G. He has worked with numerous public safety entities ranging from police departments [Houston, NYC, Chicago, Adams Co. IN., Grant Co. WA.], emergency management agencies, fusion centers, and Public Safety Answering Points [PSAP]. He is the author of numerous public safety communications articles, the most recent of which was in support of JHU/APL preparing the DHS CISA “Information Sharing Framework” report published in the fall of 2021.
Presentation File
National Roadway Digital Infrastructure for Military Mobility and Emergency Response (Invited)