C-V2X Message Definitions for Integrated CDA and Active Traffic Management
Date and Time: Tuesday, July 11, 2023: 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM
Presentation Description
1. Relevance to Automated Road Transportation
Connected Automated Vehicles (CAV) are driving in public traffic which involves other vehicles, road users and infrastructures. A complete connectivity would include vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V), vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I), infrastructure to (I2V), and infrastructure-to-infrastructure (I2I) communications. They have different functions and different message sets. Together they connect all the parties involved in real-world traffic for Cooperative Driving Automation (CDA) to achieve system level optimization in energy saving, emission reduction and safety and mobility improvement.
The immediate question is how to define/refine the communication messages for those packets of V2V, V2I, I2V and I2I for future CDA applications. The packet definition will consider several factors including: different makes/types/models/powertrains, onboard information available and automation levels from manually driven to partially and fully automated, vehicle maneuvers and the corresponding dynamics; different sensor types; network traffic including both freeways and arterials; performance measurement in the individual vehicle level and traffic level.
2. Objective
The objective is to define messages for C-V2X to integrate CAVs with Active Traffic Management (ATM) of road network including freeways and relevant arterials. The reason to do so are of two folds: (a) CAVs can be used as mobile sensors which provide other connected vehicles (CVs), CAVs and the infrastructure more information for refined traffic state parameter estimation; and (b) CAVs can be used as the controller to regulate the traffic by affecting other traffic to flow as required through the CAVs movements. Those are of great advantage for integrated traffic management to improve safety, mobility, energy consumption and emission in a system level. To achieve this goal, we would need a complete connectivity among CAVs and infrastructure. Therefore, the definitions of the message lists for V2V, V2I, I2V, and I2I would be necessary.
3. Approach and Methodology
Some wireless communication messages were developed before by researchers and in SAE and IEEE standards. We have extensively reviewed and revised the previous messages definitions for V2V [1]. We are now investigating those standards (SAE J2735 and J2945, and IEEE 802.11): what message categories were listed with or without messages definitions, and what message categories need to be added based on the 40+ years experiences in connected automated vehicle control development of PATH and its integration with Active Traffic Management and Active Safety.
4. Status
We have extended the message sets for V2V developed before in [1] by including warning messages. We also initially defined other message sets based on the following considerations:
V2I: Here the infrastructure includes both freeways and arterial intersections. The communication packet includes the following message types for the purposes of: vehicle perception and control and active safety, platooning, maneuvers such as lane change and merging from onramp, fault detection and handling, emergency handling, warning messages etc.
I2V: The messages include but limited to: traffic state parameters, ATM and control command such as routing, lane use, ramp metering, Variable Speed Limit/Advisory (VSL/VSA), SPaT (intersection signal phase and timing), cooperative perception information, etc.
I2I: This connectivity is critical for the automation on the highway side. Considering that different freeway and arterial corridors/sections are managed by different agencies, wireless communication among them are the simplest way to make them all connected and integrated. Although the message sets from arterial to freeway and those from freeway to arterial intersections are different, they should include but not limited to: traffic state parameters, traffic detector data, ACM information, and incident/accident information etc.
5. Key findings
We have initially identified message categories for V2V, V2I, I2V, and I2I and recognized the differences between freeways and relevant arterial intersections for I2V and I2I messages. We have initially defined the messages sets for each of them based on the needs for integration of CDA with ATM to achieve system level optimization in mobility, energy consumption, emission and safety.
6. References
[1]. X. Y. Lu, Shladover, A. Kailas, and O. Altan, Messages for Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control Using V2V Communication in Real Traffic, Fei Wu Eds, Taylor & Francis Group, CRC Press, 2018
Speaker Biography
Dr. Xiao-Yun is a PI Researcher at California PATH, U. C. Berkeley. He got BSc. in Mathematics from Sichuan University, China (1982), MSc. in Applied Mathematics from the Institute of Systems Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences (1985), and Ph. D. in Systems and Control from University of Manchester, UK (1994). He has 35 total years of experience in traffic systems detection, modeling, control design, micro/macro simulation, and real-time field implementation; connected automated vehicle (CAV) dynamics modeling, control design and implementation; and vehicle active safety. He has been a technical leader and project PI of many US DOE and DOT and California State projects including: (1) algorithm and field test of coordinated ramp metering and variable speed advisory; (2) passenger car and truck platooning, and integration of CAVs with active traffic management for energy saving, emission reduction and mobility improvement; (3) control design, simulation, implementation and field test in Nevada of 3 truck platooning (4m distance following) for mobility and energy efficiency improvement using DSRC V2V; (4) coordinated merging algorithm development and implementation on 3 passenger cars; practical string stability analysis for vehicle following; (5) integrated ACC (Adaptive Cruise Control) and CACC (Cooperative ACC) for heavy-duty truck platooning; (6) multi-vehicle longitudinal collision avoidance and impact mitigation with V2V; and (7) active control to prevent truck rollover. He is a member of TRB Committee on Vehicle and Highway Automation (ACP30) and ATM (Active Traffic Management) Subcommittee; reviewer of Mathematical Review.
Presentation File
C-V2X Message Definitions for Integrated CDA and Active Traffic Management