Let’s Talk About CAV: Public Perceptions of Connected and Automated Vehicle Technology and Why They Matter
Date and Time: Tuesday, July 11, 2023: 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM
Kurt Bearinger
Sr. Strategic Communications Coordinator, HDR
www.linkedin.com/in/ kurt-bearinger-58572748
Presentation Description
Connected and automated vehicle technology is the next frontier in transportation. These technologies have the potential to dramatically change how people and goods move, especially when combined with other industry trends like vehicle electrification and mobility as a service. But will this change help solve existing transportation disparities or will new technology exacerbate inequities faced by many today? Transportation agencies and private companies are actively developing and testing CAV, but we are just at the cusp of change. Our responsibility, as planners, designers, and developers of the system, is to think critically about CAV, understand potential impacts, and engage community in planning for our transportation future to verify CAV works for all. While CAV is often seen as a merely technical specialty, the work we’ll highlight in this poster will make the case for why we should think beyond the technical and engage community in CAV planning—to help leverage CAV to advance broader industry goals of safety, equity, access, and mobility for all. This poster will summarize work completed by MnDOT, with partners HDR and NewPublica, between 2020 and 2023.
Speaker Biography
Kurt Bearinger
Kurt is a communication chameleon with 7 years of experience conducting public engagement for transportation planning projects. He's spent the last 3 years diving into the connected and automated vehicle industry through his work with MnDOT's CAV-X office which has included industry research, public engagement surveys, interviews and events, brand development and subsequent documents such as the Minnesota CAV Messaging and Engagement Guidance Handbook. Kurt's background in urban planning gives him unique insight into how we design the places we live and work, driving his approach to help shape a better future for each community he works in.
Thomas Johnson-Kaiser
Thomas is the Engagement and Project Manager for MnDOT's Connected and Automated Vehicles Office. Thomas leads CAV research, demonstration, and communications projects and helps manage the Governor's Advisory Council on Connected and Automated Vehicles. Prior to joining the CAV-X Office in August 2021, Thomas was a Project Coordinator in MnDOT's Office of Research and Innovation, managing state and Local Road Research Board projects and leading the development of MnDOT's innovation strategy and program.
Presentation File
Let’s Talk About CAV: Public Perceptions of Connected and Automated Vehicle Technology and Why They Matter