ADS Demonstration: Safe Integration of Automated Vehicles in Work Zones
Date and Time: Monday, July 29, 2024: 1:30 PM - 5:00 PM Location: Indigo H
Gunnar Rhone
Engineering Specialist, Pennsylvania Department of Transportation
Presentation Description
PennDOT's Automated Driving Systems (ADS) Demonstration project is exploring the safe integration of AV's into work zones with their $8.4 million USDOT-funded project. The session will cover the extensive testing phases including simulations, closed-track testing, and live deployments, highlighting the use of innovative technologies such as enhanced connectivity, visibility, and HD mapping. Presenters Vijay Varadarjan from HNTB and Gunnar Rhone from PennDOT will share key lessons learned, challenges faced during testing, and discuss the future implications for traffic management and safety as automated vehicles become more prevalent in dynamic construction environments.
Speaker Biography
Gunnar Rhone is the Engineering Specialist in PennDOT’s Transformational Technology Division. He has 10 years of engineering experience, which includes CAV pilot planning, deployments and emerging mobility solutions across the country. Notable projects include PennDOT’s ADS Demonstration Project, PA NEVI State Plan, PennSTART, PA’s Vehicle Platooning Policy and Personal Delivery Device Policy, and Smart Columbus. Gunnar holds a B.S. in Civil Engineering and MBA, both from The Pennsylvania State University.