ADS Demonstration: Safely Operating ADS in Public Safety Interactions
Date and Time: Monday, July 29, 2024: 1:30 PM - 5:00 PM
Location: Indigo H
Mike Mollenhauer
Director, Division of Technology Implementation, Virginia Tech Transportation Institute
Presentation Description
This presentation will provide an overview of VTTI's Federal Highway Administration Automated Driving System Demonstration Grant project which was awarded to the Virginia Tech Transportation Institute (VTTI) in 2020 and completed earlier in 2024. The project aimed to demonstrate concepts for how Automated Driving System (ADS)-equipped vehicles can interact safely with public safety in challenging dynamic scenarios. The project involved collaboration among automotive OEMs, public safety providers, Infrastructure Owner Operators (IOOs), and academic ADS developers. Key tasks included optimizing infrastructure-based data dissemination tools on the I-395/I-95 Express Lanes, defining scenarios and interaction requirements, designing and testing an SAE Level 4 ADS-equipped reference vehicle, and conducting high-profile demonstrations. These demonstrations, held on the I-395 Express Lanes and Virginia Smart Roads, showcased safe ADS operation and collected high-definition data. The data is now publicly available to support further ADS development and safety analyses. The project's outcomes align with USDOT's strategic goals of safety and innovation, providing significant public benefits and laying the foundation for standard protocols in complex ADS interactions.
Speaker Biography
Dr. Michael Mollenhauer is the Director of the Center for Technology Implementation at the Virginia Tech Transportation Institute. He is a human factors engineer by training and has 20 years experience conducting research and on automobile safety, driving simulation, connected, and automated vehicle topics. His current responsibilities include helping transportation system operators evaluate and deploy early implementations of emerging connected and automated vehicle technologies. Mike is leading an effort to partner with the Virginia DOT to develop the Virginia Connected Corridor through the deployment of V2I infrastructure, a cloud computing environment, and a variety of mobile applications that promote work zone safety. More recently, Mike completed an ADS Demonstration grant project to demonstrate concepts for how Level 4 vehicles can interact safely with public safety.
Presentation File
IP-ADS Demonstration: Safely Operating ADS in Public Safety Interactions
Invited Presenter