SAE J3259-Taxonomy and Definition of Operational Design Domain (ODD) for Driving Automation Systems
Date and Time: Monday, July 18: 1:30 PM - 5:00 PM
Location: Royal AB

Edward Straub
Vice President, Land Systems, SAE ITC
Overview SAE International On-Road Automated Driving (ORAD) committee progress on this new work item. The overview will cover the motivation, goals, and initial / draft framework of the document.
Edward Straub is the Vice President of land systems for SAE Industry Technologies Consortia (SAE ITC) and the Managing Director of SAE International’s Office of Automation. His office provides a holistic view of emerging automated vehicle technologies and their challenges and impact on the socio-technical landscape. He participates as a subject matter expert in multiple technical committees at SAE International, IEEE, ISO, UL, CSA, and ITU (working with the UNECE). He also collaborates with a number of governmental and non-governmental agencies on technical topics related to automated driving.
Prior to joining SAE, Dr. Straub worked as the technical program director and chief safety officer for a bespoke proving ground designed to evaluate connected and automated vehicles, as a program manager and researcher leading an SAE Level-4 automated vehicle program, and has consulted on multiple business process re-engineering and information systems integration projects.
Dr. Straub holds a Doctor of Management degree from Case Western Reserve University as well as an MBA, Masters' Certificates, and a Bachelor of Science degree. His primary areas of interest are system design and human interaction with automated vehicles. He was also a combat engineer officer in the United States Marines.
SAE J3259-Taxonomy and Definition of Operational Design Domain (ODD) for Driving Automation Systems