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ODD, OES and Standardization
Date and Time: Monday, July 18: 1:30 PM - 5:00 PM Location: Royal AB
Edward Griffor
Associate Director, NIST
Presentation of the NIST notion of Operating Envelope Specification, its relation to Operational Design Domain and its role in developing safety testing for Automated Vehicles, including the impact of developing standards.
Dr. Griffor is Associate Director for Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). Prior to joining NIST, he served as Chrysler Technical Fellow, and Chair of the Chrysler Technology Council. Dr. Griffor is an NSF/NATO Fellow and has a Ph.D. in Mathematics from MIT and a Habilitation in Electrical Engineering from the University of Oslo. Dr. Griffor is Adjunct Professor at the Center for Molecular Medicine and Genetics at Wayne State University for systems biology and at the University of Grenoble Alpes in France for artificial intelligence. His books include the Handbook of System Safety and Security and Handbook of Computability and the Mathematical Theory of Domains.
Dr. Griffor’s current work combines methods of physics, computing, mathematics, and biosciences to the assurance of CPS and IoT systems, including Automated Driving System (ADS), Reactor Protection System (RPS) and Biomedical System assurance. At NIST, Dr. Griffor leads the research team for technical foundations of CPS and IoT Trustworthiness, including CPS Security and Safety.