Moderator for 253
Date and Time: Tuesday, July 19: 1:30 PM - 5:00 PM
Location: Terrace

Scott McCormick
President & CEO, Teleoperation Consortium
Session Description
Remote assistance and teleoperation has been receiving increasing attention, but taxonomy and standards remain largely undefined while ART stakeholders apply terminology inconsistently. Typically, a remote human operator provides instructions, permission or waypoints to the vehicle, or remotely drives it. However, the purpose and tasks of the operator are very diverse for different modes and environments. This session will increase awareness and understanding of Remote Assistance and Teleoperation by sharing recent achievements, approaches, standards and guidelines. During the session technological, operational and human factors requirements will be discussed and reviewed.
The goals of the session are:
• Increase awareness and understanding of Remote Assistance and Teleoperation for Automated Vehicle Operations;
• Share best practices, study results and updates on standardization activities;
• Gather input from the attendees on the Teleoperation Guidelines and Approach Categories that were developed (to be published as NIST special publication);
• Solicit input on relevant areas that guidelines should be developed for that the publication does not address;
• Identify research questions and future research needs
Scott McCormick is the President and CEO of both the Teleoperation Consortium and the Connected Vehicle Trade Association.
Scott has degrees in Mathematics, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, a Master’s in Business Administration, and Doctoral Research in Artificial Intelligence. Prior to CVTA, Scott was the first President of the VII Consortium and before that the Executive Director of the Automotive Multimedia Interface Collaboration, a nonprofit research organization of the world’s largest automakers.
In March 2012, and again in 2014, 2016 and 2018, Scott was appointed by the United States Congress to advise the Secretary of Transportation on matters relating to the study, development, and implementation of Intelligent Transportation Systems. In 2016 Scott was appointed as the Chief Transportation Consultant to the Asia Pacific Economic Community for the US State Department. In May, 2016, Scott was named Chief Advisor to the Beijing Autonomous Driving Project.
Scott created the 120 hour Connected Vehicle Professional course in 2015-2016 to help advance knowledge about the entire ecosystem. On June 7th, 2016 Scott was inducted into the Automotive Hall of Fame in Detroit, Michigan. In 2020,
Moderator for 253