Moderator of 335
Date and Time: Wednesday, July 20: 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Location: Garden 1-3

Chris Schwarz
Director of Engineering Modeling & Research, National Advanced Driving Simulator
This session will present updated efforts to develop shared frameworks for automated vehicle testing and data collections. In contrast to the work of individual companies on proprietary frameworks, research and innovation projects at the scale of USDOT, European Union, and other international organizations are conducted for the benefit of all stakeholders with an eye towards transparency, standardization and homologation. The trilateral working group on automated road transportation is an example of cooperation among the US, EU, and Japan to advance the industry while seeking opportunities for cooperation. This session will update participants with recent developments in shared frameworks for AV testing and data collection.
The goals of this session are to present new project updates and results that align with federal and international efforts to develop shared frameworks for AV testing and data collection. Presentations are intended to be more detailed and specific than plenary talks. Specific goals include:
• Offer international perspectives
• Cutting edge program/project updates
• Project developments for the next year
• Inform audience of shared frameworks and open tools
Chris Schwarz received the B.S. degree from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 1990 and the Ph.D. degree from the University of Iowa in 1998, both in electrical and computer engineering.
From 1998 to present day, he has been a research engineer at the National Advanced Driving Simulator at the University of Iowa and is currently the Director of Engineering & Modeling Research. His research has involved all types of advanced driver assistance systems, connected vehicles, warning systems, automated vehicles, and driver impairment modeling. Dr. Schwarz’ current research interests include vehicle automation and distributed simulation.
Dr. Schwarz is a member of SAE and a senior member of IEEE. He serves on the SAE on-road autonomous driving (ORAD) simulation task force.
Moderator of 335