9:00am -4:00pm |
Preconference Workshops (Full and Half Day)
Full Day Workshops (9:00 am to 4:00 pm)
- The Evolving Art of Geometric Design: (This full-day workshop will help you understand geometric design as an ever-evolving art form. Over four sessions, we will explore ideas and perspectives about geometric design from around the world. This journey through geometric design's past, present, and future will inspire interactive, passionate discussions. During the first session, we will chat about how we got here and examine changes that are top of mind for today's designers, such as performance-based design and context classifications. During session two, we'll peer into those yet-unanswered topics: determining and achieving target speed, performance-basis versus dimensional criteria, flexibility vs liability, and more. Session three will find us being brave and exploring uncomfortable topics, such as the question of clear zones in urban contexts and the quandary of intersection sight distances on urban streets and intersections. In our final session, we will look forward, asking those vital questions Where are we going from here? and What partners can help get us there?)
- Turbo Roundabouts: An International Look at Design and Operations: (This full day workshop will explore advancements in Turbo Roundabouts from around the world. Turbo roundabouts are emerging as a viable option around the world, after having success in Countries like the Netherlands, Poland, Germany, and Czech Republic to name a few. Join us for an all-day interactive workshop with turbo roundabout experts from across the Globe. In this workshop, you will learn about safety, design, operations, and maintenance of turbo roundabouts as well as new turbo roundabouts in the United States. This exchange will provide the opportunity to explore future research topics and document case studies and noteworthy practices from around the world.)
AM Workshops (9:00 am to 12:00 pm)
- Improving Safety Performance of Intersections and Interchanges: (This half day workshop will dive into noteworthy practices and provide an exchange of information on safety practices. Intersections and Interchanges are planned conflict points within our roadway network. In this workshop, you will have the opportunity to hear about the latest research, guidance, and tools for innovative designs that are reducing the risk of all roadway users and modes.)
- How Complete is Your Street?: (A Complete Street feels safe, for all users. Local and State transportation agencies are prioritizing the safety, comfort, and connectivity for all users of the roadway network. In this workshop, you will explore the strategies to plan, design, build, and retrofit streets that are safe.)
PM Workshops (1:00 pm to 4:00 pm)
- A Closer Look at Mini and Compact Roundabouts Designs – the Future of Right Sizing: (While full-sized roundabouts are a proven solution for addressing safety and mobility at intersections, they have become increasingly expensive relative to other intersection control types. An overarching theme of NCHRP Domestic Scan 23-01 was to increase the consideration of lower-cost roundabout solutions including mini and modular roundabouts. The Scan Team met with nine agencies to discuss their experiences with mini and modular roundabout planning, design, installation, and to gather lessons learned. Among the highlights were that mini roundabouts are increasingly being considered as viable alternatives on higher-speed, more rural roadways. Another important theme from the Scan was the high number of mini roundabout installations near schools—in addition to traffic calming, mini roundabouts can process the sharp peaks of school ingress and egress traffic more efficiently than some other forms of traffic control. In addition, the Scan documented that modular roundabouts are much less common than permanent mini roundabouts, with fewer than 10 known installations in the United States. Modular roundabouts have been installed quickly by a couple agencies at intersections with a large footprint, existing angle crash issues, multiple stop-controlled approach lanes, and traffic volumes well below the capacity of a signalized intersection. Both mini and modular roundabouts have information gaps slowing installation, including the lack of a proven capacity model for mini roundabouts and issues with project bid advertisement or even intellectual property for modular roundabouts. During this workshop, the Scan Team will pass along those findings to the audience and engage in a discussion with the audience on why, or why not, their agencies are using mini and modular roundabouts.)
- Utilizing BIM For Transportation Projects: (This workshop explores the application of BIM for Transportation to a project lifecycle. It will explore how this technology impacts project development and the design process. The first part will be presentations with international experts discussing components of the BIM project process for transportation projects. The second part of the workshop will be a panel discussion with attendee interactions. The objective is to examine the current state of practice for BIM in Transportation and identify potential knowledge gaps/research needs. The goal of the workshop is to educate attendees on BIM for transportation, identify potential research needs related to this topic, and begin to develop Research Need Statements (RNS) with the help of the workshop attendees.)