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The Call for Presentations - Poster, Lectern Presentation, and Technology Tutorials
has closed.


We are seeking 1000-word submissions from stakeholders, practitioners, and researchers in three broad areas: application and use case examples illustrating application of AI technology and tools, case studies illustrating issues and benefits related to agency-level implementation of AI, and workshop tutorials on commonly used AI tools and software.

Applications of AI technology and tools with a focus on use case examples that attendees can apply to current project and product challenges

  • Successful use cases illustrating applied AI, effective practices in public/private relationships to optimize build vs buy approach with incorporating AI, and level set expectations and understanding of what AI is with respect to our industry.

  • AI for potentially predicting traffic volumes and other types of data; Advanced Traffic Management Systems using AI.

  • How data driven analytics and insights from AI/ML models can be combined with the causal principles of econometrics and statistical analysis traditionally used in the field.

  • AI’s role in advancing the IOT (Internet of Things).

  • AI for predictive analytics and how to ensure their accuracy.

  • Internal agency workflows, like contractor payments, that can be improved using this type of processing that is available today.

Implementation Case Studies (examples of how agencies identified and addressed issues as part of implementing AI).

  • How does an Owner embark on AI implementation? What is an effective approach? What areas yield quick wins to establish momentum and support? Is it most effective to outsource the data mining and analytics or build an inhouse team? How are the benefits of implementing AI captured? What are lessons learned from early adopters in the construction industry?

  • Identifying and addressing Information Technology (IT) infrastructure needs and accessibility standards for implementing AI-tools such as edge device computing and sustainable computing;

  • Policy considerations related to AI implementation (ensuring models do not perpetrate inequities, cyber security issues, legal issues, etc.).

  • Getting data house in order so that AI is usable.

Workshop Tutorials: proposals for hands-on workshop tutorials (30 to 45 minutes in length) introducing attendees to a basic working-understanding of relevant AI tools and software.

Evaluation Criteria
Content submissions will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

  • Quality: Abstract is easy to comprehend and concise. The proposed presentation or session advances thinking or research methods on a topic. The proposed session topic contributes to an understanding of transportation innovations or emerging industry trends, or state-of-the-art practices relevant to the application of AI tools and technologies.

  • Novelty: Research is novel and innovative. It takes the field in a new direction and/or looks at existing problems from different perspectives.

  • Relevance: This particular subject/issue is important today or is just on the horizon. It will further the dialogue or thinking. It is timely and relevant to the symposium topics and attendees.

Submittal Requirements: Papers, Presentations, Panel Sessions, Non-traditional 
The file should be titled with the author's last name, followed by title of paper (e.g. KORTUM_AI_in_Action_topic.pdf) and submitted online. Each submittal will contain the following information:

  • Indication of submission (use case, case study, or workshop)

  • Title

  • Author(s) name and affiliation

  • Primary author contact information

  • Faculty advisor and affiliation, if a student

  • Four or more keywords describing topic

  • 100-word biography of the primary author

  • 1000-word abstract

Key Dates

Content Submission Deadline 

September 30, 2024

Notification of Accepted Presenters     

starting on Nov 15, 2024

Presentation Submission Deadline 



For questions about submitting content, please email James Manning, jmanning@nas.edu or Katherine Kortum, kkortum@nas.edu.