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Transportation Resilience 2019:
2nd International Conference on Resilience to Natural Hazards and
Extreme Weather Events

National Academy of Sciences Building, 2101 Constitution Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C., USA

November 13-15, 2019


Call for Presentations

We are pleased to announce this call for presentations for the 2nd International Conference on Resilience to Natural Hazards and Extreme Weather Events (TR2019).

Share your successes and challenges to build more resilient multimodal transportation networks at TR2019! We’re looking for case studies, applied research, and innovative approaches. Our target audience is transportation agency practitioners, researchers, climate scientists, consultants and project managers from around the world.

The Transportation Research Board (TRB) of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine is organizing this conference with support from the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO). This conference builds on the successes of the first conference held in 2015 and the 2018 Transportation Resilience Innovations Summit and Exchange (Transportation RISE) in Denver, CO.

TR2019 will provide practical information on emerging best practices and state of the art research results used by planners, policy makers and designers along the following three themes:

  • Proactive Adaptation
  • Resilient Recovery
  • Transformative Resilience 

Presentation Types

This call invites you to submit presentation proposals to be programmed into plenary, break-out, web-cast, and poster sessions by May 3, 2019

General Topic Areas

We outline the general topic areas of this request for presentations below with several guiding questions, although submissions may also include other aspects of natural hazards, extreme weather resilience, and adaptation in surface transportation. Submissions from local, tribal, state, national, and international perspectives are welcome and encouraged. Our focus is on multimodal surface transportation, which includes roads, rail, and transit facilities and infrastructure:

Proactive Adaptation

  • What advances have been made in climate projections and downscaling and what are the implications for practitioners?
  • How are agencies selecting and utilizing future climate projections to inform transportation planning and risk based asset management?
  • What tools and techniques are being used to predict future storms, precipitation events and flows?
  • How are other planning efforts (such as regional or community resilience planning, local comprehensive planning, land use planning, hazard mitigation planning) being integrated with transportation planning?
  • When is retreat or relocation an acceptable option and how have agencies made these determinations?
  • How are transportation agencies identifying and prioritizing projects and assets that would benefit from resilience measures?
  • What approaches and frameworks are being used to integrate resilience into the project development and/or design process?
  • How have communities or agencies incentivized resilient construction?

Resilient Recovery

  • How can agencies balance the need to rebuild damaged transportation infrastructure as fast as possible, but also rebuild improved and more resilient systems?
  • What plans, procedures, tools and methods are being employed to expedite natural disaster recovery and ensure consideration of resilience?
  • What economic tools and methods can be employed to assess economic tradeoffs for building back more resiliently post-disaster?
  • How can post-disaster data be collected and used to enhance recovery, as well as longer-term transportation system planning and project development?

Transformative Resilience

  • How are agencies institutionalizing or mainstreaming resilience?
  • How are government agencies, the private sector, and the public cooperating and collaborating to improve resilience and adapt for the future?
  • How can we best communicate climate science and data to influence cultural and institutional changes?
  • How are transportation agencies using disaster modeling tools to understand cascading impacts across sectors and support asset prioritization and recovery management?
  • How can transportation agencies better understand sector interdependencies and improve cross-sector collaboration to increase overall community resilience?
  • How are resilient projects presented and how has acceptance of the project been achieved?

Submission Format
Proposals must be written in English and include name, affiliation, and contact information (email) for the corresponding presenter. Information about all co-authors must also be provided. To be considered for presentation abstracts should be limited to 250 words and must:

What are the Benefits of Being a Presenter?
The TR2019 presenters receive valuable professional exposure at this gathering of international experts participating in the TRB, AASHTO, and FHWA societies and networks. We will promote your name, credentials, and organization on the conference website and conference program. Presenters also receive a reduced registration rate.

To Submit an Abstract:
You may submit an abstract at the following link: https://trb.secure-platform.com/a/page/TransportationResilience2019, or you can find more information at http://www.tr2019.org/.

How are Proposals Selected?
Experts on a technical selection committee who favor end-user perspectives, innovative ideas, applied science and case studies, and timeliness of subject and relevancy to the conference themes identified above will review all abstracts.

Which Dates are Essential to the Process?
Open Call for Abstracts submission:                                               March 15, 2019
Close Call for Abstracts submission:                                               May 3, 2019
Notice of acceptance of presentations:                                           June 3, 2019
Commitment by author to present:                                                June 30, 2019