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Last updated: August 7, 2024 and subject to change

Monday, August 12, 2024

7:00 AM—8:15 AM

Shuttle from Renaissance Newport Beach Hotel to Beckman Center

7:00 AM—4:00 PM


7:00 AM—4:00 PM


7:00 AM—8:00 AM

Breakfast Buffet

8:00 AM—12:00 PM


  • Managed Lanes (ACP35)
    • Co-Chairs: Dan Lamers, North Central Texas Council of Governments and Mike Davis, RS&H

  • Regional Transportation Systems Management and Operations (ACP10)
    • Chair: Nikola Ivanov, University of Maryland CATT Lab

  • Freeway Operations (ACP20)
    • Chair: Jeff Adler, Kapsch
9:00 AM—12:00 PM
  • Intelligent Transportation Systems (ACP15)
    • Chair: Jon Obenberger, Federal Highway Administration

10:00 AM—10:30 AM

Morning Break

12:00 PM—1:00 PM

Networking Luncheon

1:00 PM—3:00 PM

Moderator: Murali Ramanujam, Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority

Joint meeting between: Standing Technical Committees on Managed Lanes (ACP35), Regional Transportation Systems Management and Operations (ACP10), Intelligent Transportation Systems (ACP15), Freeway Operations (ACP20), and Bus Transit Systems (AP050

Report out of each committee covering who they are and what their upcoming Annual Meeting will be focused on – this will allow each committee the opportunity to identify potential collaborations for the Annual Meeting.

Committee discussions on how Managed Lanes fits in with their committee regarding some of the topics below – include key research topics the committees are focused on that may overlap into managed lanes so that we can engage in future discussions on collaboration opportunities.

  • Operations & Safety
  • Resiliency
  • Systems Management
  • Technology & ITS
  • Multi-modal & Bus
  • Integration with other industry Associations like IBTTA

Discussions: Moderator, TBD

3:15 PM

Shuttle from Beckman Center to Renaissance Newport Beach Hotel 

3:00 PM—7:00 PM

405 Express Lanes Tour* (Full; wait list available-$65 additional fee)

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

7:00 AM— 8:15 AM

Shuttle from Renaissance Newport Beach Hotel to Beckman Center

7:00 AM—4:00 PM


7:00 AM—6:30 PM


7:00 AM—8:30 AM

Breakfast Buffet

8:30 AM—9:15 AM


Welcome Remarks: Dan Lamers, North Central Texas Council of Governments  and Mike Davis, RS&H

What’s HOT is Southern California!
Moderator: Darren Henderson, GHD

Building upon the legacy of the 91 Express and I-10 and I-110 Express Lanes, the past few years have seen the opening of several new express lanes in Southern California while work continues on the design and/or construction of several more.  This session will give an express look at recent managed lanes accomplishments in the Southern California region as an introduction and orientation to the latest local HOT facilities for participants in the 2024 Symposium on Managed Lanes.  


  • Kirk Avila, General Manager, Express Lanes Programs, Orange County Transportation Authority
  • Tim Byrne, Director of Express Lanes, San Bernardino County Transportation Authority
  • Philbert Wong, Senior Director, Shared Mobility, Los Angeles Metropolitan Transportation Authority
  • Jennifer Crosson, Toll Operations Director, Riverside County Transportation Commission

9:15 AM—10:30 AM


BREAKOUT 1A: International Managed Lanes Showcase, Part 1: Europe
Moderator: Lev Pinelis, Toll Insight

  • Managed Lanes in France, Karim Ali, Invision AI
  • Study of Managed Lanes in Europe, Klaus Bogenberger, Technical University of Munich (Taped Presentation)
  • Presentation, Baruch Feigenbaum, Reason Foundation

BREAKOUT 1B: Topics in Sustainability and Managed Lanes
Moderators: Ted Thomas, Deloitte and Darya Shtykalo, Kimley-Horn

This panel will look at how managed lanes are contributing to sustainability, resiliency, and other social, socioeconomic, and environmental objectives. The panel will feature case studies on projects coast to coast, from Virginia to California. Panelists will provide insights into how their managed lanes programs were designed with sustainability in mind, the successes and challenges, and lessons learned. Each presentation will offer the audience a specific set of action items or recommendations for consideration by managed lanes initiatives. The panel will be a dynamic and engaging conversation, featuring multiple perspectives, conversation between the presenters, and ample audience participation. 

  • Resilient State Route 37: Sears Point to Mare Island Improvement Project, Kevin Chen, Metropolitan Transportation Commission
  • Reinveting Toll Revenues for Connectivity, Resiliency and Travel Choices: Creating Multimodal Travel Corridors with Managed Lanes in Northern Virginia, Kate Mattice, Northern Virginia Transportation Commission
  • Sustaining Managed Lane Travel Options in a Changing World, Nick Wood, Texas A&M Transportation institute
  • Fair Tolls, Clean Goals: The Evolution of Clean Air Vehicle Tolling in Silicon Valley Managed Lanes, Mohammad Mir, Silicon Transportation Consultants

10:30 AM—10:45 AM

Morning Break

10:45 AM—12:00 PM

PLENARY: Trends in Managed Lanes: A National Panel Discussion
Moderator: Patrick Vu, Silicon Transportation Consultants


  • Patty Rubstello, WSP
  • Ted Thomas, Deloitte
  • David Ungemah, HDR

12:00 PM—1:00 PM

Luncheon and Special Presentation: Time Capsule Topic presented by Stephanie Blanco and Casey Emoto

1:30 PM—3:00 PM


BREAKOUT 2A: Technology Applications to Improve Managed Lanes Operations
Moderator: Mike Davis, RS&H, Inc.

As Managed Lanes Operations continue to evolve; operators must continue to adapt to the changes that are needed to provide the traveling public what they are expecting. This session will explore the technologies and applications that are being applied to improve safety, efficiencies, and overall operations of managed lanes facilities.

  • MTC Express Carpool Check - Smartphone app-based Camera Occupancy Verification - Phase I Pilot Results, Juan Kuthy-Saenger, Atkins Realis
  • App-based Travel Behavior Monitoring and Incentive Program in North Central Texas, Dan Lamers, North Central Texas Council of Governments
  • The Economic Case for HOV/HOT Occupancy Enforcement, Pete Marshall, D2 Traffic Technologies
  • Proactive Bridge Lanes Reconfiguration Based on Congestion Prediction Using Connected Vehicle Data and Machine Learning, Nikola Ivanov, University of Maryland CATT Lab

BREAKOUT 2B: Financing and Building Managed Lanes
Moderator: Chadi Chazbek, Kimley-Horn

  • Financing the Uncertain Future: Strategic Funding Approaches for Managed Lane Facilities, Ning Zhang, WSP USA
  • TIFIA versus Capital Markets Financing for Managed Lanes – Qualitative and Quantitative Considerations, Bailey Coleman, Sperry Capital Inc. and Jim Martling, Sperry Capital Inc. (Retired)
  • MUTCD- 11th Edition- Managed Lanes Updates, Shannon Bonilla, Dewberry Engineers
  • California I-405 Express Lanes, Jeff Mills, Orange County Transportation Authority

3:00 PM—3:30 PM

Afternoon Break

3:30 PM—5:00 PM


BREAKOUT 3A: The Next Generation of Managed Lanes

Introduction: Glenn Havinoviski, JMT Technology Group

Panel 1: Assuring Maximum Mobility and Safety Benefits with NextGen Managed Lanes
Moderator: Brian Simi, Michael Baker International

  • Impacts (Good and Unusual) of Future Tolling Technology on Managed Lanes and Infrastructure, Andrew Peppard, Kapsch Traffic Com
  • Colorado Express Lanes' Groundbreaking Safety Enforcement Program: Insights From Year 1, Francisco Torrealba, Blissway and Kelly Brown, Colorado DOT

Panel 2: Operational Scenarios for Next Gen Managed Lanes
Moderator: Zorica Cvijovic, Trihydro

  • Using part-time shoulder lanes as Express Tolled Managed Lanes, Raj Paradkar and Chadi Chazbek, Kimley-Horn
  • Intelligent Road Systems can Enhance Safe CAV Operations, Austin Averkamp, Transurban

Menti Poll: Glenn Havinoviski, JMT Technology Group

Panel 3: When is NextGen ThisGen?
Moderator: Glenn Havinoviski, JMT Technology Group


  • Andrew Peppard, Kapsch Traffic Com
  • Francisco Torrealba, Blissway
  • Kelly Borwn, Colorado DOT
  • Raj Paradkar, Kimley-Horn
  • Chadi Chazbez, Kimley-Horn
  • Austin Averkamp, Transurban

BREAKOUT 3B: International Managed Lanes Showcase, Part 2: Asia, the Pacific, and Canada
Moderator: Baruch Feigenbaum, Reason Foundation

  • Reimagining Freeway Traffic Management with Flexible Travel Lanes, Smita Sharma, Lindsay
  • HOV Lane Operation in Shenzhen, China, Xumei Chen,  Beijing Jiotong University
  • Building a HOT Lane Network in Tel Aviv, Rimon Rafiah, Economikr (Taped Presentation)
  • Managed Lanes in Australia, Darren Henderson, GHD

5:00 PM—6:00 PM

Networking Reception and Posters
Moderator: Ed Barry, Washington State DOT

  • Personalized Pricing for Express Lanes: Model-driven Approach for Achieving Long-Term Fairness, Ridwan Tiamiyu, North Carolina A&T State University
  • Lane-level Traffic Management for Smart Cities, Md. Hossain, University of Information Technology and Sciences
  • Dynamic distance-based pricing for HOT lanes: A generalized bathtub model approach, Wen-long Jin
  • Moveable and Integrateable Highway Appurtanences, Art Korfin, Traffic Tech North America
  • Roadside Sensors for Traffic Management, Lawrence A. Klein
  • Microscopic Simulation of Automated and Connected Automated Vehicles on Managed Lanes with Consideration of Associated Weaves, Mohammed Hadi, Florida International University and Kamar Amine, Mead & Hunt
  • Managed Lane Time Capsule, Stephanie Blanco, Transportation Corridor Agencies and Casey Emoto, Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority

5:30 PM; 6:00 PM

Shuttle from Beckman Center to Renaissance Newport Beach Hotel 

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

7:45 AM Shuttle from to Beckman Center to  Renaissance Newport Beach Hotel (Tour Attendees Only)
8:00 AM Shuttle departs Renaissance (Tour Attendees Only)

8:00 AM—4:00 PM


7:30 AM—9:30 AM

Breakfast Buffet

8:00 AM—12:00 PM

SR 91 Express Lanes Tour* (Limited seating available; $65 additional fee)

8:00 AM— 9:00 AM

Shuttle from Renaissance Newport Beach Hotel to Beckman Center

9:15 AM—10:30 AM

PANEL SESSION: AASHTO Transportation System Operations Manual, Supporting Activities, Future Directions and Opportunities

Moderator: Cynthia Jones, Transportation Resource Board

TOM, Who’s TOM? This session will provide an in-depth look at the Transportation Operations Manual (TOM), with a focus on how state DOTs and others are using the TOM to advance their programs and improve their workforce’s knowledge, skills, and abilities. We will also preview the ongoing and upcoming activities that are being used and developed to support the use of the TOM and to mainstream TSMO across the industry. Following the presentation the Symposium TRB Sponsoring Committees:


  • Nicholas Ramfos, National Operations Center of Excellence


  • Jon Obenberger, Federal Highway Administration, Intelligent Transportation Systems (ACP15)
  • Jeff Adler, Kapsch, Freeway Operations (ACP20)
  • Nikola Ivanov, University of Maryland CATT Lab,  Regional Transportation Systems Management and Operations (ACP10) 

9:30 AM—10:30 AM

Open Space Discussion
Moderator: Laura Huizinga, Lindsay

Idea workshop open for all participants to identify managed lane challenges and the opportunity for collaborative discussion to generate potential research ideas to help solve these challenges.  

10:30 AM—10:45 AM

Morning Break

10:45 AM—12:00 PM


BREAKOUT 4A: Adapting to Change in Managed Lanes
Moderator: Rami Harb, Atkins Realis

  • Tailored Pricing Strategies for Managed Lanes: Navigating Diverse Operational Goals, Ning Zhang, WSP USA
  • Lessons Learned from the Silicon Valley Express Lanes Program, Murali Ramanujam, Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority
  • I-405/SR167, An Evolving 50-mile Managed Lane Corridor in the Seattle Srea, Ed Barry, Washington State DOT

BREAKOUT 4B: Unlocking Managed Lanes Insights, Performance Monitoring for Enhanced Understanding
Moderator: Nikola Ivanov, University of Maryland CATT Lab

The old "What gets measured gets managed" adage has many flaws, but its popularity is not incidental. To unlock insights for better managed lanes one must find ways to monitor and measure the right things. This session will demonstrate several approaches to monitoring and evaluating performance that goes beyond measuring to answer the important "why?" question and improve understanding. The presenters will outline methods, challenges, and lessons learned from various efforts to unlock new insights in managed lanes performance.

  • Austin Continues to Grow Like Crazy, but Why Haven’t Austin’s MoPac Express Lanes Followed Suit?, Adam Mangano Denkard, Stantec
  • HOV Lane Performance Monitoring and Improvement in California, Zhongren Wang, California DOT
  • Evaluating Operational Performance of Basic High-Occupancy Vehicle Lane Segments Using Connected Vehicle Data: A Case Study in California, Jianyuan Xu, University of Nevada, Reno

12:00 PM—1:00 PM

Networking Luncheon

1:00 PM—2:30 PM


BREAKOUT 5A: Managed Lane Networks: A National Panel Discussion
Moderator: Laura Huizinga, Lindsay

Are you curious about Managed Lane Networks? Join us for this exciting session where our panelists will provide insights into existing networks, challenges they have worked to overcome, future outlook and opportunities for Managed Lane Networks.  

  • Stephanie Blanco, The Toll Roads
  • Shannon Bonilla, Dewberry Engineers
  • Joe Rouse, Caltrans
  • Joe Silva, AECOM

BREAKOUT 5B: Demystifying Managed Lane Forecasting – Future Proof Perspectives
Moderator: Christopher Mwalwanda, CDM Smith

The maturation of managed lane facilities and systems in the face of future advancements and varied new goals and objectives is becoming more complex. This session brings a diverse panel of practitioners and experts to offer perspectives on forecasting, financing, and future proofing for trends in tolling policies/ equity and discounting, reserved capacity considerations/ modal integration and transit, and new technological paradigms.

  • Managing Managed Lanes under the New Normal, Annie Gillespie, State Road & Tollway Authority.
  • The Arc of Managed Lanes Forecasting, Sheldon Mar and Harika Jayam, Stantec Consulting Services Inc.
  • Navigating the Road Ahead: Envisioning the Future of Operating Managed Lanes, Cesar Faria, Cintra US
  • Incorporating Socioconomic Equity Impacts in Benefit-cost Analysis to Compare Transportation Project Alternatives, Poojan Patel, Stanford University
  • Evolving Rating Agency Views on Managed Lane Forecasting, Anita Lin, Fitch Ratings

2:30 PM—4:00 PM


Managing Lanes and Events – It’s all fun and games…
Moderator: Carlos Campo Osorio, WSP

The last time the United States hosted a soccer World Cup was in 1994 and a Summer Olympic Games in 1996. Back in those days, cities were less sprawling and most managed lanes were freeway HOVs and busways. Three decades (and many Super Bowls later), we have much more traffic congestion and not much better public transportation, but also many more tools to manage intermodal supply and demand using technologies, pricing, and trip planning. We also have much more experience in hosting major events breaking record attendance year after year. Our closing plenary session looks to explore the various ways major event and transportation planners can work together to harness the potential of managed lanes and related transportation management tools to provide residents and visitors enhanced travel options, reliability and economic vitality. We look forward to hear our panelists share lessons along their plans to use the transportation network for future events, and also to provide a forum for our attendees to provide insights on using managed lanes effectively for these events and for posterity. We look to this session as a trigger of many fruitful collaboration opportunities between event planners and transportation systems management professionals to use events as a test bed for the future of our transportation systems. 


  • Shannon Bonilla, Dewberry Engineers


  • Mark Bandy, Kimley-Horn
  • Lawrence Jesse Glazer, Federal Highway Administration, Cal-South Office
  • Tasha Higgins, LA28 Caltrans District Liaison
  • Richard Hung, Caltrans Senior District 7

4:15 PM

Shuttle from Beckman Center to John Wayne Airport and Renaissance Newport Beach Hotel

*Tour registration is only available to conference registrants. Tour descriptions are provided above.