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Elective Tour: Separate Registration is Required
Petroglyph National Monument
Date: June 23, 2025
Time: 8:00 AM - 12:30 PM
Bus Transportation Included
(Bus departs at 8:00 AM | Registrants to meet at lobby to grab badges and breakfast)
Box Breakfast Included
Limited space, register early
Tour cost: $60.00
Petroglyph National Monument is a 7,209-acre monument jointly owned and managed by the National Park Service and the City's Open Space Division. Monument resources include:
- More than 20,000 petroglyphs.
- More than 350 documented archeological sites.
- Ethnographic resources are important to many of the pueblos and tribes of the Southwest.
Due to its unique nature and location at the edge of the City of Albuquerque, the monument faces several challenges, including a proliferation of visitor-created trails, several user-created access points along the monument's boundary, conflicts among various types of use (e.g., hiking, bicycling, and dog walking), and overcrowded during periods of high use. In November 2018, the NPS and the City of Albuquerque developed a visitor use management plan/environmental assessment to formalize a sustainable trail system and manage public access and public use on trails within the monument. This tour will focus on the evolution of the VUM plan to address the monument's challenges, highlight the partnership between the city and the NPS through the Cooperative Management Agreement, discuss how the unit is implementing strategies identified in the VUM plan, and educate participants on monitoring efforts and mitigation measures identified.
The tour will start at the Visitor Center. The group will then head to Boca Negra Canyon or Rinconada Canyon and return to the visitor center.
*Please wear lightweight clothes and comfortable shoes | Bring your bottle of water
For more information about the park visit: https://www.nps.gov/petr/index.htm