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Call For Presentation Abstracts

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Submission deadline:  Friday, January 17, 2025

The Transportation Research Board (TRB) invites you to submit a proposal to speak at the TRB Conference on Transit Safety and Security, July 15-17, 2025, in Washington, DC. Public transportation is one of the safest modes of transportation, although there are areas of risk. Fortunately, the public transportation and passenger rail industries have implemented programs, modified procedures, and implemented demonstrated technologies that have proven successful in mitigating these areas of risk and providing safety and security improvements. How do these agencies and the supporting research community disseminate these successes?

This conference is designed to transfer the knowledge gained locally by agency personnel and practitioners as well as national and international researchers.  Public transportation and passenger rail agencies will present successful outcomes and lessons learned from safety and security policy, procedure modifications, and technology pilots and deployments. Recognizing the significant contributions made by industry research partners, this event will include presentations on actionable one-world safety and security research findings.

TRB encourages public transportation and passenger rail agencies, academic institutions, consultants, and other members of the public and private sector to submit a proposal. TRB welcomes abstracts in one or more of the following areas:

  • Transit Employee Safety
    • Right of Way Worker Protection Systems and Practices
    • Bus/Rail Employee Assaults
    • Employee Health and Wellness
    • Maintenance Employees and Service of Advance Systems, Including Electric Buses
    • Fatigue
  • Passenger and Public Safety
    • Reducing Passenger injuries
    • Reducing Mobility Device and Lift Injuries
    • Crashworthiness of Fixed Route and Paratransit Buses
    • Technologies to Reduce Collision Events
    • Highway/Rail Crossing Collisions
  • Emergency Management 
    • Natural Disaster Response
    • Civil Unrest or other Security Response
    • Emergency Operations Center Coordination and Communication
    • Continuity of Operations Planning
    • Training for Employees and other First Responders
    • Evacuation planning (disability accommodations)
  • Transit Security Challenges
    • Cyber Threats to Connected System Technologies
    • Persons Who Are Homeless
    • Human Trafficking Awareness
    • Women’s safety and security 
    • Homelessness, mental health challenges, and drug use

Abstracts should be submitted by Friday, January 17, 2025; they should be no longer than 400 words. Submitters will be asked to identify which of the conference themes (Transit Employee Safety, Passenger and Public Safety, Emergency Management, and Transit Security) best align with their presentation topic.  Submitters will also be asked to indicate their preferred delivery format (poster, lectern, or panel); final designation of the format will be at the discretion of the planning committee.

Questions regarding the call? Claire Randall