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The Westin Westminster
10600 Westminster Blvd
Westminster, CO 

Convened by
Transportation Research Board

Sponsored by
Workforce Development and Organizational Excellence

Supported by
National Transportation Training Directors at the National Network for the Transportation Workforce

The National Summit on the Future of the Transportation Workforce will be held June 2-4, 2025 in Westminster, CO (near Denver). This event is the first national conversation on this critical issue since 2012. Thought leaders in transportation workforce recruitment, training, retention, and knowledge management will address the challenges faced in each step of the workforce life cycle. Attendees will include representatives from federal, state, and local transportation agencies; Metropolitan Planning Organizations; public transit agencies; academia; and private industry.

This interactive two-and-a-half-day summit will facilitate innovative thinking and problem solving. The conversation will identify research needs of practitioners to ensure a resilient and skilled workforce for our changing modes and communities. The program will center around three key questions:

1.  How do we attract and engage a diverse workforce?
2.  What kind of workforce do we need for the 21st century?
3.  What business models and tools sustainably support workforce needs?

In addition to plenary panels, attendees will participate in working group breakout sessions with discussions framed by short presentations. Several poster sessions will cover a full range of innovative ideas, approaches, and research.

Questions? Please contact: Claire Randall

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