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How to Use Zoom as a Conference Participant 

Zoom is a Web/Video conferencing option by TRB and the NASEM. We use many tools to help minimize security risks for all meetings and conferences held over Zoom such as:

  • A password is required. 
  • Passwords are required for new recordings in the cloud. 
  • Enabled Waiting Room. Only the Host can allow attendees into the meeting.
  • Screen sharing is set to "Host Only."  The host can share co-host permission with presenters.
  • Mute all participants and disallow video. Host can share co-host audio/video with presenters.
  • Disabled "Join Before Host" so people can't cause trouble before the Host arrives. 
  • Chat is disabled for private use; participants can chat to host. 
  • Disabled "File Transfer" so there's no digital virus sharing. 
  • Disabled "Allow Removed Participants to Rejoin" so evicted attendees can't rejoin.

Before attending the virual meeting or conference, please ensure that you are using the latest version of Zoom


Click here for a full step-by-step Participant Guide