Matthew Daus, President, International Association of Transportation Regulators
Session Organizers
Amitai Bin-Nun, Laura Fraade-Blanar, Waymo Marjory Blumenthal, RAND
TRB Sponsoring Committees and Partners
Session Description and Agenda
Recent events have highlighted that safety is not the only important attribute to be evaluated in autonomous driving. AVs driving on public roads are evaluated by a broad range of stakeholders, who evaluate AV behavior based on a broad range of criteria, including their interaction with road users, driving style, sense of judgment, as well as safety. This topic has increased in importance based on (A) the experience of cities where early deployment of AVs have taken place and (B) increased engagement by researchers and industry on how AVs might comply with rules of the road.
Our proposed session will promote perspectives on rule of the road compliance by advancing three distinct threads of the conversation. The first will be on the governance of compliance and the execution of policies related to compliance. The second will be an update on the state of the art for developing technical approaches necessary to improve and measure rule of the road compliance. The third thread will be a discussion of issues that come up when implementing and measuring compliance in the real world, and its attendant complications. Each panel will draw a set of participants from a mix of academia, industry, and government.
Panel 1 (1 hour): Governance and Execution
Key Questions
-Is rule of the road compliance a good measure of how well AVs drive?
-How might rule of the road compliance be balanced and brought into contact with over values for good driving?
-How might governments prescribe and measure rule of the road compliance for deployed fleets?
Panel 2 (1 hour): The Art of Measurement
Key Questions
-What challenges prevent robust measurement of rule of the road compliance?
-What technical and regulatory innovations might be helpful in advancing the underlying capabilities to ensure AV compliance?
-What is the role of government, industry, and other stakeholders in addressing some of the challenges?
Panel 3 (1 hour): Keep on Complyin’ in the Free World
Key Questions
-What does the need to operate in a mixed fleet environment mean for rule of the road compliance?
-How does the discussion of compliance apply to lower levels of automation (L2-L3)?