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Paper Review Coordinators (PRCs)
PRC Quick Guides

Update Reviewer Pools | Update Profile | Update Expertise/Cmte | Set Reviewer Preferences
Return Manuscript to SPO | Desk Rejection | View Review/Comment/Rating |
Submit Recommendation
Invite Reviewers | Send RemindersContact Late Reviewers | Re-open Review | Unassign Reviewer

PRC Video Guides

PRCs - Getting Started (Main Menu Overview)  |  How to Update Your User Info and Classifications
  Viewing Submissions  |  How to Return a Paper to a Senior Program Officer  |  Inviting Reviewers
How to Send Reminders to Reviewers  |  
Video Submit Decision  

PRC Training Recordings & Visual Aids

PRC Training - July 24, 2024 (Video) | PRC Training - July 25, 2024 (Video)
Editorial Manager and You (PDF)