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Information for Authors  |  PRC Resource Page  |  Annual Meeting Homepage

Update Reviewer Pools | Update Profile | Update Expertise/Cmte | Set Reviewer Preferences
Return Manuscript to SPO | Desk Rejection | View Review/Comment/Rating |
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Invite Reviewers | Send RemindersContact Late Reviewers | Re-open Review | Unassign Reviewer


Updating Your Profile


1. Once you’ve logged in, find your name in the upper right corner of the screen – it will have a downward facing arrow at the end. Click on it and then press Update My Information.

2. This will take you to a screen with several areas you can update, as broken down below.  Any item that is in red and has an asterisk next to it is required and must be filled out before you can save.

Login Information

3.  If you want to change your Username or Password, this is where you do it.  You can also set your Default Login Role here if you like.

Personal Information

4.    Make updates to your name/title/etc as needed in this section.  You can also add and verify your ORCID if you have one.  There’s also a section to set up Alternate Contact Information when applicable.

One thing to note – you can have more than one email address attached to your account.  We suggest you have a secondary email address listed, in case your primary address filters emails from the EM system into a junk folder.

Institution Related Information

5.  You can list profession related information here – your position title, institution (or workplace), department, etc.

Areas of Interest or Expertise

6.    This area contains both the classifications that help define your expertise as a reviewer and a list of the reviewer pools you are in.

Scroll down to Personal Keywords to see a list of all committees that currently have you in their Reviewer Pool.  Click on Edit Personal Keywords to add or remove committees.  You will need to enter the committee code along with the name of the committee.

7. Click on Select Personal Classifications to further define your expertise as a reviewer.