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Paper Review Coordinator Resource Page

Key Deadlines
August 18: Complete reviewer assignment   
August 24:
Desk rejection deadline
September 15: All reviews complete

Immediate Action Items

Quick Guides for Review Coordinators

Updating Reviewer Pools
Updating Your Profile 
Updating Your Classifications and Expertise 
How to Return a Paper to a Senior Program Officer
Criteria for Desk Rejections
How to Desk Reject a Paper
Inviting Reviewers 
Unassigning Reviewers
Sending Reminders to Reviewers
Setting Reviewer Preferences
How to Reopen a Review
How to Contact a Late Reviewer
View Reviews, Comments, and Ratings
How to Submit Your Recommendation

Video Guides for Review Coordinators

PRCs - Getting Started (Main Menu Overview)
How to Update Your User Info and Classifications
Viewing Submissions
How to Return a Paper to a Senior Program Officer
Inviting Reviewers
How to Send Reminders to Reviewers
How to View Reviews and Submit Decision 

Training Recordings & Visual Aids for Review Coordinators

PRC Training - July 24, 2024 (Video)
PRC Training - July 25, 2024 (Video)
Editorial Manager and You (PDF)


  • Due to the amount of papers received, we do not notify you when a reviewer declines to review. Please check in periodically to insure that you have enough reviewers.

  • Reviewers receive automatic reminders 3 days before their review is due, on their due date, and 5 days after a review is late.

  • If you would like to personally reach out to a late reviewer, please view the guide for contacting a late reviewer.

  • Recommendations are due by 10/1.

    • You can View Reviews and Ratings for each paper to assist in your recommendation.

    • Reports are also available to assist in your recommendation process. Reach out to your SPO for assistance.

Access the TRBAM Editorial Manager here.

*Steps to Ensure You Receive Emails from Editorial Manager*

There are a few steps you can take to make sure you receive emails from Editorial Manager. Adding a secondary email address to your account can help. You can also let your IT department know that emails from editorialmanager.com are safe and ask them to whitelist the IP range of – all emails from Editorial Manager are sent from that.