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How to Contact a Late Reviewer

1. From your Editor Main Menu, go to “Submissions with One or More Late Reviews”

2. Find the paper with the late reviewer(s) that you wish to contact.  Click on “Send E-mail”.

Note: reviewers receive automated reminders 3 days before their due date, on their due date, and when they are 5 days late with their review.  Please be conscientious about sending reminders to keep from overloading reviewers with multiple emails in a short timeframe.

3.  A pop-up window will open, and you will see “Send Ad Hoc Email” and a dropdown menu.  You will need to select “Editor Query to reviewer(s)” from this menu.
4. Press “Customize Letter” to continue once you’ve selected the appropriate email template.  

5. Each reviewer on the paper you’ve selected is listed in the To: section – you will need to check the checkbox next to the reviewer you wish to email.  Beside the reviewer name, you will be able to see the review status.

In the screenshot below, it says (Agreed to Review).  Other statuses can be (Review Complete) or (Reviewer Invited).

The letter text box is where you can write whatever you wish to convey to the reviewer.  Please do not remove any of the existing text that is surrounded by %, as these are merge fields that pull information from the system into the letter.

Press “Preview and Send” when you are ready to send the letter.

6. After you press “Preview and Send”, the system will show you a preview of the email.  If it looks good, press “Send E-Mail”.  If you need to make changes, press “Cancel” and it will take you back to the previous screen.

7.  After the email is sent, you will get a screen that says “E-mail Confirmation”.  This concludes the process of sending an email to a late reviewer.